Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OMFG! Where are these guys?!?!

I'm sure people have been wondering when we're releasing the next episode of Ohranger, and why we haven't posted anything since the beginning of april.

Short answer: we've been busy with real life.

Long answer:
Real life swooped in and took away our time. In my case this means work and school have ratcheted things up a notch, leaving me little precious time to time.  I spend my work days staring at a computer screen so when things get busy there the last thing I find myself willing to do is a highly repetitive task in front of a damn monitor.  Good news is my classes for school are winding down so I should have time to pick things up again, hopefully starting next week.

My roommate/the translator got a new job and  is moving to Japan. This is another reason that we have nothing to release. We both want to continue this series, but there will definitely be a delay for the foreseeable future, while he settles in. 

Where we stand right now:
Episode 5 is in the very early stages of timing. sgtkira from Hikari Senshi has provided us with a SRT file of a Portuguese translation of the movie. I did some spot checking of the timing, made a few shifts, converted it into an ASS file and sent it along to be translated (I have been told that it's been started on).  I would love if we could get one or the other released before the move. No promises though. I will continue timing during the delay, so hopefully we'll have a bit of a buffer on that front when we pick up again.

So I want to apologize for our vanishing act. We didn't have a post on here for over a month and that's just unacceptable.  I will try and post at least once a week with an update for people even if it's just to say that we didn't work on anything.  I also what to remind people (or inform if you've not noticed) that we have an RSS feed of the blog, which includes the entire post.  It's a great way to stay up on our progress without having to bother checking here only to see the same old blog post. As I mentioned it's a full post feed so you'll have DL links in there when we make a release.


  1. Thanks for the good work so far. Ive been dying to see ohranger for a long time, as power rangers zeo was one of all time favourites of the power rangers series. Please keep up the good work and please am begging to finish all the way. Am a huge fan of your work

  2. Are u guys still fansubbing ohranger?????

  3. Friend you read the post?????

  4. I have, but i thought they are going to post every week and there thread they posted on henshin has just been removed.

  5. Ack, we did. Sorry. Not sure about the HJU post I haven't checked in while.

  6. I hope OMFG will release torrent for Ohranger :D, I am still waiting for the torrents
