Chouriki Sentai Ohranger is the 19th installment in Toei's Super Sentai Series, and began airing on March 3, 1995. The series ran for 48 episodes, one movie triple featured with Mechanical Violator Hakaider (pretty sure it's less perverted than it sounds), and the Juukou B-Fighter movie. Two Vs Series V Cinemas were also made featuring the Ohrangers, Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: Ohra vs Kakuranger and Gekiso Sentai Carranger vs Ohranger.
- Invasion!! 1999 - Promo, Softsub, Hardsub, Script
- Arrive!! Super-Powered Squadron - Promo, Softsub, Hardsub, Script
- Crisis, The Secret of Super-Power - Promo, Softsub, Hardsub, Script
- Grotesque!! Iron Man Papa - Promo, Softsub, Hardsub, Script
- Violent Love!! The Brothers of Flame - Promo, Softsub, Hardsub, Script